MPM Program Testimonials
"I am very pleased to say that I learned a lot with this training/seminar. Given the chance, o
would like to pursue the career of being a project manager because I really leaned techniques in project
management that can be applied in the information technology field. Thank you very much for the
Mark Sto. Domingo
System Admin.
Enchanted kingdom Inc.
"It is very concise and detailed I learned a lot on this seminar."
Limwell P. Aliposa, Jr.
Asst. Manager
GRbenfield Devt. Corp.
"This MPM Module as conducted by Terence SoroƱo, is a wholistic and intensive seminar on
project management. Quite good for new PMs and also a good refresher for the experienced
Brian Cabactulan
Project Dev. Officer
"The knowledgebase was very relevant and easy to relate to. Pls. keep up the great
Jay Q. Guzman
Project Manager
Lufthansa Technik Philippines