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MPM Program Testimonials
"It’s my first training for the year 2013 concluded here in the Philippines (First Training was all in
the US) that’s why I’m very excited because I’m looking forward for a more interactive
workshop/training and this was achieved. The marketing, and even from the government which enables
each and every me to see different perspective on the topics being discussed aside from the technical
and actual application."

Jennifer R. Hife
Global Project Lead for Lean ADM
American International Group Inc.
"The program/training surprisingly captivated me a lot. I learned so many things, beyond
expectations. Why apprehensions prior to this training were all addressed. Another major factor of
making this a success is the manner how the modules were tackled by the trainer. Would also like to
commend the good and very lively participation of the attendees. Overall this is a learning experience
for me that have indeed inspired me to know more and never stop learning (diverse). I will be
recommending this to people/colleagues."

Kitchie C. Canon-Sacuan
Health Promotion Advisor
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
"This is an excellent program which will be very handy for those in the construction sector, and
those included in special projects in their own organizations both in government and in the private

Raymundo U. Tan
Bureau of the Treasury
"Developing a group that we can seek support in the future not only in the area of
Project Manager, but on diverse concern or professional needs the group has become cohesive that
relationship can so on even beyond the training period.
Technical knowledge gained is really valuable in my career plan and current job. Facilitator’s
expertise is among the course “selling point”."

Myrna P. Neri
Regional HR Director