MPM Program Testimonials
"I gained useful knowledge."
Hessam C. Ezrael
House of Social Guidance
"I now have the formal background/training of project management which is very useful in my
workplace. Having the financial and cost management topics included in this course, I am now more
concerned with the budget aspects of the project. If cost variance is high even if under the budget, I now
understand that this is also not good in business financials. This course will help me perform better."
Rachelle P. Torres
Product Development Specialist
Wyeth Phils. Inc.
"MPM course is very helpful in having or acquiring project management concepts & theories. This course
will surely be a step towards managing a project well."
John Llary C. Pedro
Engineering Supervisor
Wyeth Philippines Inc.
"The program is very brief, in terms of time, but tackles a lot of scope that can guide me on my project
management work, specially the acronym “WIIFM”."
Elmer S. Querido
Implentation Manager
LBP Services Corp. (Ericson Phils.)