MPM Program Testimonials
"I loved the course and presentation. My suggestion would be to add one additional day to work out
more exercises on tools and methods based on actual projects."
Ian Keith Basan
"At first I thought this was just simple & old style training but to my surprise, I learned a lot new things
that I found useful to apply to my company. Sharing from attendees who were experts in their own
professions did help a lot open up new ideas."
Clarissa Abesamis
Engineer 2/NPI Project Manager
Maxim Phil. Operating Corporation
"The MPM programmed was a good learning activity where my knowledge of project management as
well as my practical experiences n performing project management was refreshed & validated."
Enrique M. Sonoy Jr.
Sr. Engineer Director
Sun Power Corporation
"Now a days, being on top of your game does not necessarily mean that you only have experience. It’s
better to be relevant and to be relevant. Means to be familiarized and acquainted with the latest trends.
I salute AAPM for bringing us project managers together to share our experiences, laugh on our
mistakes and look forward to the future. Thank you AAPM for this is valuable support in our project
management journey."
Name: Paul D. Canhan
Project Coordinator III
Department of Health